Yggdrasil Toolchain

For developing applications for Midgard using Rust or for Asgard under Linux using VSCode instead of the STM32CubeIDE, a custom toolchain setup is required. When developing on Midgard or Asgard’s coprocessor, it’s possible to use the custom toolchain, however it’s much easier to just use the STM32CubeIDE instead.


Download the latest release of the Toolchain. for your operating system from GitLab.


Unpack the toolchain zip to C:/Dev.


This path is important mainly for Linux development as the meson cross-compile configuration script will point to the wrong location. If you prefer to install the toolchain in a different location, you must adjust the config file named asgard in the yggdrasil/asgard folder accordingly.

For VSCode and the environment to pick up the toolchain, it must be added to the PATH environment variable. Search for Edit the system environement variables in the search box, click on Environement Variables... and add C:/Dev/yggdrasil/midgard/bin and C:/Dev/yggdrasil/asgard/bin to the PATH variable under System variables.


Unpack the toolchain zip to /opt.


This path is important mainly for Linux development as the meson cross-compile configuration script will point to the wrong location. If you prefer to install the toolchain in a different location, you must adjust the config file named asgard in the yggdrasil/asgard folder accordingly.

For VSCode and the environment to pick up the toolchain, it must be added to the PATH environment variable. Open your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc or similar shell config file and at the bottom add export PATH=/opt/yggdrasil/midgard/bin:/opt/yggdrasil/asgard/bin:$PATH. Restart the terminal or source the config file for the changes to be applied.