Peripheral Drivers

Peripherals are all devices found on Yggdrasil. Sensors, human interface devices or devices attached to some header pins.


See also

Analog turning position of the potentiometer knob

See also

Reading turn direction and steps taken of the encoder knob

See also

Real Time Clock for getting the current UNIX time

See also

Color Sensor
Determining the color of an object

See also

Humidity Sensor
Getting the current relative humidity

See also

Pressure Sensor
Getting the current atmospheric pressure

See also

Six Axis Sensor
Finding the current board orientation, acceleration and rotation

See also

Reading the analog positions of two Joysticks with buttons

See also

RGB Matrix
Drawing colors on a 3x3 RGB LED Matrix

See also

Seven Segment Display
Displaying numbers on a 4 digit 7-Segment display

See also

Motor Driver
Controlling a DC Motor

See also

Sink Driver
Driving or sinking up to 2A on dedicated pins