DC Motor Driver

Toshiba TC78H660FTG dial H Bridge


The TC78H660FTG is a dual H Bridge driver IC which incorporates DMOS with low on-resistance in output transistors. It can control two DC brushed motors or one stepping motor.


The driver IC got multi error detect functions built in, such as:

  • Thermal shutdown (TSD)

  • Over current (ISD)

  • Under voltage lockout(UVLO)

After an occurred error, the driver must be reactivated.


Each motor can be set individually as shown in the example below.

// Enable the motor on channel A with a duty cycle of 75% in cw direction
yggdrasil_MotorDriver_SetSpeed(MotorDriverChannel_A, 75);

// Enable the motor on channel B with a duty cycle of 10% in ccw direction
yggdrasil_MotorDriver_SetSpeed(MotorDriverChannel_B, -10);

To handle errors correctly, the error state should be checked. If there occurs an error such as an over current, the driver will be shut down until a proper restart. The easiest way to do this is, tu put the driver in standby, wait for at least 100ms and wake him up again. The example below is not suitable for a system without an rtos and may need some modification. But this is the simplest possible implementation.

while (1) {
    // Enable the motor on channel B with a duty cycle of 100% in cw direction
    yggdrasil_MotorDriver_SetSpeed(MotorDriverChannel_B, 100);

    // Check the state of the driver
    while (!yggdrasil_MotorDriver_GetError());

    // Shut down the driver, set the driver to standby
    // Delay until restart

    /* Your error handling */

    // Restart the driver